The Gift of Life 2020

Following our successful completion of a well providing fresh clean water to Schoolchildren at Ciamanda Primary school, we have raised enough money to fund three more wells for three new schools in Embu County, Kenya

International Co-operation to build more wells

It is now old news that thanks to Margaret Fowler’s contacts with Ciamanda Primary school in Embu County, Kenya, and to Malcolm Acors’ efforts as International Chairman, that we have successfully funded a well providing fresh clean water to Schoolchildren at that school.

Sustaining water and So Much More

On time and on budget, this project was a successful pilot for a programme of new wells to support up to eight schools in total in Embu County.  Not only does it give the Gift of Life to so many schoolchildren but it also provided much needed employment to local workers and is a sustainable water source which local people can maintain. 

The well provides the children’s drinking water, and is used to keep the school clean and hygienic.  It enables it to grow crops for its feeding programme for the children, and provides long-term employment for a farmer to tend the crops.

Rotary Clubs Together

The Rotary Club of Billericay has had international links with the Rotary Club of Beausoleil in France for over 50 years and over the years these links have extended to another four Rotary clubs.  Two Rotary clubs in Italy - in Alba and in Ovada, Karlshamn Rotary club in Sweden and, close to home, Basildon Rotary Club.
Dubbed the “Double Triangular” Group, each year members from the six clubs are hosted in its home country by one of its members, enjoying friendship, fellowship and identifying a project which all could support.
In 2019, the hosts were Beausoleil in France, and at the project meeting, with the support of our club, Malcolm Acors proposed that the other clubs join us in funding seven more wells for other schools in great need in that county. 

Despite all these clubs having high demands on their resources, particularly as they try to help their local communities through the Covid-19 pandemic, every club in the Double Triangular Group has recognised the value of this plan, and voted to support our project.

A total of nearly $6,500 has been donated by our fellow clubs in Europe.

Gobal At Its Best

Our project is real international co-operation of Rotary clubs across Europe in the best sense of the words.  The other clubs are donating money to us, and  we are working with the Rotary Club of Embu, our valued partner in this project, which will have responsibility for managing the project locally.  It will ensure Rotary’s governance principles are followed in digging the new wells to deliver fresh water to the school children.

We are also working with the local schools and education authorities to ensure those with the greatest needs are first. What an advert for international co-operation that exemplifies Rotary principles of Fellowship and Service Above Self.

Receiving the Grant We Need

Each well we build is low cost, so even the eight wells so far identified cost less than the entry-level for a Global Grant.  This means we cannot get Global Grant support despite the global reach of our project.
Rotary Foundation provides another route to a grant, with District Designated Funds being provided to a District in proportion to previous donations to Foundation.

A Matching District Grant for £7,000 is being sought to top up our contribution of which £3,000 has so far been approved.

A matching Grant would mean that for every club contribution of $1500, a new well can be built.  The project has been discussed with the Grants Committee for over a year and has been well received.  It has the support of our District Governor.

Moving ahead

The need in Kenya is desperate, and there is a great desire to progress it now, so we must get started with the next phase as soon as we can.  Using club funds, once we receive the £3000 District Grant so far approved,  and the donations provided by the other European clubs, we will provide the money to allow work to be started on the next three wells.  Namely, those at the ACK Primary school in ENA, the St. Paul’s Magaca Primary School in Ciamanda and Canon Herbert Ikuura Primary School near Karurumo. 

In addition, an agreed sequence for the subsequent wells has been set by the Chairman of the Headteachers Association and County Education Secretary, working with our partners, Embu Rotary Club.

Next steps are our crowdfunding programme in December to raise money for more wells.

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The old way of collecting water - Magaca School

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