Irvine Seagate Rotary held their regular fortnightly Zoom meeting on Monday, when Sandy Niven took over from Jim Fairgrieve as President. In this strange year of virtual meetings each President serves for just three months, but Secretary Andy Slater, Assistant Secretary Fiona Lee and Treasurer Billy Dickson are tied to their desks for the full year.
Speaker on Monday was Bob Tomlinson, from Kirkintilloch Rotary, who was for a long time the ‘HON Man’ with the Sunday Post. Bob entertained with anecdotes of his worldwide exploits in that role. Bob was also a serious investigative journalist with many successes that lead to legislative changes, and they are maybe stories for another day. A Vote of Thanks was proposed by Sandy Niven.
Members updated on their recent activities, and it is apparent that there is still a lot of walking, golf and gardening going on, while some members actually have to go out to work. It’s an unfair world. In business discussions, it was decided that in these uncertain times, the annual February Sportsmen’s Dinner will be postponed for one year, and other club social events are likely to be cancelled until conditions change
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