District Governor's Visit - 24/08/20

Press Report

Irvine Seagate Rotary had a Zoom meeting on Monday, with guest speaker District Governor Angela Samson.  Angela talked about the challenges facing all organisations during this exceptional period, and how these challenges can be met, particularly by adopting modern technology and innovative thinking. 

Many of Seagate’s future activities are still in doubt, with large gatherings being ruled out for the foreseeable future.  However, it is intended that individual competitions and sponsorships, such as the Rotary Young Musician, Young Artist and Young Writer will be held.  Contact is being made with the schools to ensure that these go ahead, as Irvine students have had considerable success and benefit from them in the past.  

Other events, such as the Poppy Scotland appeal and the Christmas Trees are still being considered to see if ways and formats can be found to enable them to safely go ahead.

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