Members enjoyed excellent fayre from the Maids Head as we finally were able to carry out the Presidential Handover. Staff served a tasty BBQ plate to individuals minimising handling and mixing - all spaced out and respecting the guidelines.
Outgoing President, Alan Chilcott handed over the chain of office Incoming President, Geoff Fisher. This is Geoff's 3rd time in the chair but this year circumstances are very different - Club members and Guests wished him every success.
Second in command falls to Senior Vice President Neil Osborne, Geoff "handed" his chain over to Neil.
Neil in turn would of handed his chain for Junior Vice President over to Peter Holmes ( if he had remembered it ) - next time maybe.
Geoff thanked the Maids Head staff and everyone who had attended and wished all his team the very best for year ahead and looked forward to some creativity given our challanging times.