Watford Rotary helps One Vision Hot Meals Project

Hot meals project

Like most charities, The Rotary Club of Watford has had to cancel all of its fund raising events until further notice. We are also very restricted by the fact that many of our members are elderly and have pre- existing medical conditions and are, therefore, self-isolating.

On the positive side, we were very lucky to have our cheque presentation evening just before the lockdown and as a result, 11 local charities had extra money to work with. We are also working closely with the Watford Blind Centre who have had to close their doors during lockdown, members of Watford Rotary are regularly phoning blind club members for chats and to ensure they are well and any needs are taken care of.

We are also delighted to report that we have scraped the bottom of the clubs coffers and as a result have made a donation of £2000 to Watford’s ‘One Vision Hot Meals Project’.  The project ensures that many members of the community who have fallen on hard times are able to get one hot meal a day. Many children, who would normally get free school meals are now able to choose from a children’s menu and for adults, there is a choice of Asian or European menus.

Enoch Kanagaraj who heads up the project for One Vision was delighted with the donation, “Watford Rotary’s Donation will ensure hundreds of needy members of our community get a hot meal a day for a number of weeks.” Watford Rotary’s President David Silverston stated “We really wanted to help the most needy in our community during lockdown and were very impressed with the work ‘One Vision’  are doing. It is with pride that we are able to support such a worthy project”.

We are very much looking forward to returning to some form of normality, but if COVID 19 has taught us anything, it is the way it has brought communities together, Watford being a shining example of this. So when it’s all over and you look back on how the community did come together, why not continue it by joining Watford Rotary, we do it 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year.

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