Life in Lockdown - Photo Competition

The Club ran a lockdown competition during the month of May 2020. We raised a magnificent £622.00 which we split equally across Age UK Barnsley, Samaritans, Foodbanks and IDAS (Domestic violence)

Here you will find all the photos that have entered our competition.

Congratulations to our winners:-

Overall Winner - Jon & Jane Brain (making Masks)

Runner Up - Becky & Ben Evans (Friday night Fish & Chips)

Most Humorous - Stacey Galliford (Desperate home dentistry)

Young Peoples category - Patrick Coggins (14) (Perfecting skills in Lockdown)

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4. Fundraising

back Stainborough raises funds for charities through organising events, Sponsorship, car boot & table top sales, competitions and selling merchandise.