Bush Fire Relief in Australia 2020

Our member visits the area and hands over our club donation to the relief effort

Terrible Fires devastate huge areas
Terrible Fires devastate huge areas

Our Man Helps Bush Fires Relief

Like many UK citizens, Club Members have been appalled at the natural disaster which has struck Australia and wanted to help.

So, in the same month that we voted money for the emergency relief fund for those affected by the flooding in the north of England, we also voted for a donation for bush fire relief in Australia.

Club Member Patrick Rothon has close ties with a Rotary Past District Governor in Victoria, and flew to Australia at the beginning of February to make the donation to her during this visit.

In a message to the Newsletter Patrick emailed: “Having arranged a meeting in Geelong with Past District Governor Cathy Roth, I presented a donation on behalf of the Club in support of the Rotary Bush Fire Appeal.”

Incredibly Moved

Pat subsequently received the following email from Cathy in appreciation.  “It was heart-warming to hear of the concern of your Club Members for those affected by the bush fires. I was incredibly moved by your club’s personal donations, totalling A$400 to be used directly in the bushfire area. 

“One of those groups is based in Bateman’s Bay – the epicentre of the fires on the southern New South Wales coast”.  This area was devastated and the plea had been going out to Australians to please come to the area to inject money into the local economy.

Beautiful Sentiments

“Attending that meeting will be Past President Alan Russell and Past District Governor Phil Armstrong, and I will make a formal presentation of the A$400 to them on behalf of the Billericay Rotary Club with the beautiful sentiments with which it comes and the instruction for it to be utilised directly into the community wherever it will serve best. I shall ask them to let us know how the money was utilised, knowing that it will be well applied.
Please convey the sincere thanks of all in Rotary in Australia, the clubs in the affected area and from me, personally, as a Rotarian, for such a kind caring and generous donation to the welfare of those so badly affected by this disaster.

Your actions build a strong bridge of caring across our amazing organisation that is Rotary.  I shall be in touch with further news following my visit to Bateman’s Bay. In the meantime, please know that the sincere thanks of us all go to all at Billericay Rotary Club and thank you for taking time to convey your messages of caring.”

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Terrible Fires devastate huge areas

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