2019 Bansang Hospital Donations

We support new male medical and surgical wards at Bansang Hospital

Bansang Appeal

Earlier this year the Club agreed to support District ‘sponsored’ project, the refurbishment of the male ward at Bansang Hospital in The Gambia.

The project is now complete with Rotary having funded some 80% plus of the overall costs.

New Wards Inaugurated

We have received an update from Anita Smith MBE, MRG of the Bansang Hospital Appeal:
“I am letting Rotarians in Brentwood, Billericay and Seaford know the good news – the inauguration of the male medical and surgical wards at Bansang Hospital. The event was attended by the British High Commisioner, H.E. Sharon Wardle and filmed live on national TV with speeches from many dignitaries.

His Excellency  President Adama Barrow visited to see the new wards. His father and brother had died in the old wards and he had also received treatment at the hospital years ago.

"My heartful thanks for all the contributions you have made.  They have had a substantial impact on the hospital, on the staff and on the communities in the entire Central and Upper River regions as well as the patients coming over the border for help."

All at Bansang Hospital wish you a very Happy Christmas.

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