Mercy Ships Donation 2020

We joined other Rotary Clubs in Great Britain and Ireland in donating to the Mercy Ships 2020 campaign

Mercy Ships – Extended “Pledge-By” Date

Target Achieved

We are delighted to report that the Mercy Ships $1million Global Grant target has been reached.

in a message to all Rotary clubs, and circulated in our District by Paul Chambers, District Secretary, Mary Whitehead, of Biggleswade Ivy RC and DG District 1260 reported that:
“I am thrilled to be able to let you know that the Mercy Ships $1million Global Grant target has been reached.  The inspiration originating in 2018-19 and the connections made across the world in 2019-20, have led to the opening up of opportunities for the new ship and those who receive treatment in 2020-21 and future years.

Our thanks to every District Club and individual who made this possible.”

Latest News On Global Grant $1m Challenge

We joined other Clubs in Rotary Great Britain and Ireland in sponsoring the $1 million challenge.  This update is from Paul Denton, Chair D1260 Gobal Grants Committee.
Just under $300,000 available as of November 19, 2019 from Clubs and District pledges.

“Pledge-By” date extended to January 31, 2020.  Grant Application to be submitted to Foundation mid-February, 2020 for review by Foundation Trustees in early June.

For new pledges now, District and Clubs, email to: 

Although large equipment and items advised earlier, now accepted 35 sets of surgical instruments for use in the ship’s six operating rooms.  Each filled tray costs £22,000
These will increase surgical and teaching capacity from 8,000 to 20,000 operations a year.

All District and Clubs contributing will be named in the Grant Application. Districts contributing $5,000 or over will have their name on a tray.

Liberia to be host country for medical capacity building. Rotary Club of Monrovia remains project hosts.

A new video has been made. To see it: Password: mercy1090’ Link:

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Mercy Ship at sea

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