Thank you and update from Knighton Food Bank

This letter outlines the philosophy and reason that we need a food bank in East Radnor. An important read!

To: Food Bank Supporters & Donors

 27th January 2020

On behalf of all the families and individuals who received food parcels at Christmas, Knighton & East Radnor Food Bank would like to say thank you.  As a result of the kindness from Churches, social enterprises, community groups, music groups, food markets, schools, Brownies plus individual supporters, we were able to provide food, toiletries and Christmas gifts to 51 adults and 57 children & babies, between Christmas and New Year.

As a small independent crisis food bank, we rely on donations of basic store cupboard food, toiletries, pet food and financial support from the local community, in order to keep open.  As well as the Knighton area, we offer a food bank service in Presteigne and surrounding villages. Our volunteers give their time so generously, working in the food bank, collecting the donated food, as well as overseeing the project as committee members, all of which keeps this valuable service operational.

The food bank provides a much needed safety net for claimants of work or disability benefits, including Universal Credit – particularly as the latter are required to wait at least 5 weeks for their first payment but in our experience, the delay can be much longer. However, we also receive requests for help from working families and self employed workers or those on zero hour’s contracts.  It could be the loss of a job, the break-up of a relationship, loss of their home, sickness & disability, or the receipt of a huge fuel bill; the result can be devastating for individuals and families. Imagine if you are the mum of 4 children and your partner is off work due to illness. There is not enough money to cover food, rent, utility bills, toiletries or nappies. Or perhaps you are experiencing a severe mental health breakdown and your claim for Universal Credit has not been processed 9 weeks after you put in the claim? Then you pluck up courage to come to the food bank - you haven’t money for food, or electric and you are cold, unwashed and very unwell. Then, quietly & in confidence, you choose food you can enjoy, plus toiletries, washing powder, fresh dairy produce and a voucher to obtain fresh vegetables & fruit.

Those we help do not have a voice, or put their name in the newspaper - but I know they would thank you for donating to our food bank & for ensuring they keep their dignity in desperate times.


Helen Anderson

On behalf of Knighton & East Radnor Food Bank Committee

Churches Together in Knighton & District-Community Project

Reg Charity No: 1172353

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