Free Portland News

February 2020
By Keith

The changing world of Rotary

As we move out of winter and into spring, hopefully, it is perhaps worth looking at the changes that are happening in the Rotary world.

The first part of any calendar year is the time when the new teams are getting prepared to hold office on July 1st..

The in-coming District Governors, all 500+ of them, have been  to San Diego where they have a week’s intense training, telling them how to be good leaders, teaching them more about what Rotary is, helping to hone their presentational skills and giving the opportunity to discuss, with their peers, where Rotary is going in 2020-2021.  .  Our in-coming Governor from the Wessex area (Rory), has gone, along with the 24 other in-coming District Governors from the UK & Ireland – one from Cornwall/Devon, one from Hampshire, two from Wales, three from Scotland, one from Ireland, and the rest from all over England.  We have never, in the past, had a lady Rotarian from the UK sitting as a Director on the Board of Rotary International – remember Rotary used to be a male-only preserve.  However we have just been told that the Director for the next two years will be Nicki Scott.  Not only is she the firsts lady to hold that post, but she is also the first Director who has not been President of the British Isles and Ireland.

Similar changes are happening down the ladder – Club Presidents, and club Chairs will also be trained over the next few months, ready to step into the hot seat in a few months’ time.

Because the weather at this time of the year is not exactly conducive to getting out and shaking cans, or holding fetes etc, we tend to look inwardly a bit, and now is the time when clubs are encouraging youngsters to become Rotary Young Musician of the year, or young Chef, or Young Writer, Yong Scientist etc.  or to take part in our Youth Speaks competitions.  So, although there may appear not to be a lot happening on the surface, underneath the surface we are all paddling like mad to ensure that things happen.

But enough preaching, I pass on the Club’s thanks to all those who supported our first Table Top Sale of the year in aid of the 1st. Portland Beavers at the start of February, and would give you advance notice of the next one on Saturday 14th.March in Aid of Read Easy.   As always you will be assured of a warm welcome from the Rotarians and stall holders alike, be offered the opportunity to make new friendships and renew old ones, have the chance t buy from a great selection of goodies, and the Bacon butties are good too.

Or for those who wish to travel a little further afield, Janet will be running another coach trip to Bath on Saturday 25th. April.  A great day out for just £15 per person.  If anyone is interested, please contact Janet on 822864, but tickets go very quickly so get your bid in now.

Finally, the club has a website so, if anyone wants to know more about what we do or are doing, look us up on the internet and you will learn more than I can tell you in this column, have a chance to view some lovely photographs of people enjoying themselves (or helping others to enjoy themselves), and learn more about the wider world of Rotary.

More next month


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