Mabogini Malaria Control Programme

Mabogini Malaria Control Programme

Rotary "International" in Action

Since August 2019 Penrith Rotary have been working in partnership with Hai Rotary club in Tanzania on a joint project, the Mabogini Malaria Control Programme. If you follow the links below you can view the project implementation plan and also a full progress report at Dec 2019.

The implementation of the project started in October 16th 2019 and is expected to finish in March 2020 but by December 2019 the progress was significant.. The project is being conducted at Shirimatunda Primary and Secondary Schools and Shirimatunda Health Centre.

The Program was divided into three phases for implementation, Education and Training (Phase I), Testing and Treating (Phase II) and Control and Prevention (Phase III).

Phase 1 outcomes

- 30 teachers, 17 community health workers (lab staff, nurses, clinical officers etc) were trained for one day

- 3 lab technologists and 1 lab attendant were trained for two days on proper use of Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Test (MRDT) and preparation of Blood

slides. 1 lab technologist will be further trained in January in Blood Slide examination

- more than 60 parents were also educated during parents’ school meeting.

- 300 kindergartens and primary school pupils were also taught the basics of malaria. From January every Friday there will be a 20 minute dedicated to Malaria Prevention and Control.

Phase 2 Outcomes 

a) Testing:

- 300 Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests (12 boxes with 25 kits each) were purchased and given to health centre for testing all children with signs and symptoms of malaria and who are unable to pay for the testing.

- 193 schools’ children with signs and symptoms of malaria were tested with MRDT (127 kits still available).

- 5 children out of 193 tested with MRDT were positive for Malaria and further test (confirmatory tests) were performed on them.

- All 5 MRDT positive cases were confirmed to have malaria.

b) Treatment:

--‐‑ 50 doses of antimalarial have been purchased and given to Shirimatunda Health Centre

--‐‑ 5 doses have been given out so far.

Phase 3 Outcomes 

--‐‑ 30 ITNs has been ordered from KAS Medics which will be delivered to program in January.

--‐‑ Bonite Botlers Ltd (soft drink company) has offered us 50 ITNs

--‐‑ Data is still being collected on the families that can not afford to buy or were not given Government distributed nets.

Larval control:

All sites that have to be sprayed with insecticides have been identified (open septic tanks, pit latrines, stagnant waters, classrooms etc).

--‐‑ 10 sachets of Dudukill 10WP (lambda-cyhalotrin 10WP) have been purchased.

--‐‑ Classrooms, pit latrines, septic tanks and other breeding sites that surround schools and the health centres have been sprayed with the insecticides during Christmas holiday and will be sprayed again in February.

--‐‑ One classroom (kindergarten class) has been fitted with mosquito wire mesh.

--‐‑ Cleaning staff at both schools and the health centre have been trained on the use of the insecticides.

Implemetation Plan

Progess Report Dec 2019

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