Dementia awareness at Prestwick Rotary
Alex Murphy from The South Ayrshire Dementia Support Organisation [SADSO] gave Prestwick Rotarians an update on his twenty years experience working in dementia support. Alex presently works in daycare, with nearly 40 places available in three centres at Ayr, Prestwick and Irvine.
Dementia carries a stigma, so it can be difficult to persuade sufferers to come to daycare. However the benefits of daycare are very apparent, both for those afflicted, and their families.
A lengthy discussion session followed, which included many personal family experiences. Lindsay Smith gave Alex Murphy a well-deserved vote of thanks, for a very interesting, and enlightening presentation..
back This section details the weekly talks at the club and have ranged widely from mindfulness to charity work, health, model making, favourite objects, music and gardening.