Millie and Bruno opened our eyes
Last Tuesday evening Kirkcudbright Rotary Club welcomed Millie Craig and Bruno Perez, Head Girl and Head Boy at Kirkcudbright Academy, to their weekly meeting. The purpose of their visit was to allow them to inform members of the Rotary Club of their chosen charity this year, namely the World Land Trust. This is an international conservation charity that protects the world’s most biologically significant and threatened habitat acre by acre. Millie and Bruno delivered an interesting talk on the impact of deforestation on climate change and how the World Land Trust was seeking to minimise this in many different ways.
They then went on to describe how they had already raised a considerable sum of money for the World Land Trust through selling tray bakes within school and by organising a games day for younger students at their school. Whilst reassuring the Rotary Club that, as in previous years, their Prefect Team and other senior students will continue to support fund raising activities for the Rotary charity ‘End Polio Now’, they asked that, in turn, the Rotary Club members support a fund raising Christmas Quiz that they are organising, with guidance from Rotary Club members, for Wednesday 18th December.