1240 District Conference -Oct 2019

Held at Wyboston Events Centre, St. Neots

District Conference 2019 at Wyboston Events Centre

Near St Neots Cambridgeshire 

Friday and Saturday dinners I would say were good to very good. Chicken Friday and Beef Saturday.
Saturday and Sunday buffet lunches the choices were so numerous one could if one wished to have say 5 courses!!Soup salad main dessert!! 

T Shirts Fancy Dress
Should have been a parade. Pity.

Clean obviously and up to date bedrooms and en suites.

The Talks and Entertainment
Two guys calling themselves the Singing Staff came on Friday evening just as dessert was served and everyone thought including the other staff that they were taking liberties by bursting into song. They were brilliant.
Rotarian John Dunsterville; from Rock and Roll to the rocking chair was amazing and interesting.

Coram Life Education  -  We've been involved before; sorry but although this is a charity, it was very commercial – not again.

 Medical Detection Dogs -  This was not just very informative, interesting, and definitely needs per suing with vigour.

Global Site Solutions - Yet another very good charity doing what the headline says.

Water Survival Boxes -  A really great charity when these weather disasters occur, and a real help to those effected. (tied to Aquabox)

Paul Heiney. A very interesting talk of his many experiences including his solo sailing,

A Flight to Remember. Richard Westray a pilot for 35 years including Concorde again recounting his may interesting experiences.

Chance Kalolkesya. A . Peace scholar. Lots and lots of information on how Rwanda is progressing. Very informative so much it was a job to keep up with.

Lydia Slack. A farmers daughter from the Peak District, recounting experiences from the farm and ending by pulling “us Rotarians” legs. It was a laugh a minute literally if not a laugh every 10 seconds. Tears rolled down my cheeks, I laughed and laughed. It you ever get a chance to hear her go, go, go. Finished with a standing ovation.

 On Saturday after dinner we danced to Wheelz, all good well known tunes such as Beetles numbers. By my reckoning 15 to 20% of us were on the floor at any one time.
Very good but we can do better in my view! On the other hand if we exclude octogenarians the percentage dancing would rise to plus 40%.
We met friends from Billericay Mayflower, Chelmsford Mildmay and others. On Friday evening prior to the dinner we met at Neil and Senga’s boudoir for drinks and nibbles, that is us guests who were the Phillips, Harstes, Pudney, plus KHV Michele, Michael and Jackie. On Saturday evening we met at yours truly and Sally’s bedroom. Those mentioned above plus  Noelle and John C and Dave and Jane Eagles. These last 3 being the only ones from Brentwood Rotary. I soon realised that of the 15 present we had 3 presidents, Ingatestone, KHV and Brentwood. Plus 2 ADG's one to be in a years time DG Elect.


We all had a very enjoyable time, thoroughly enjoying ourselves. We all recommend you come to Five Lakes next year. Book now!!!

Alan P

You can check-out Brochure for the 2020 1240 District Conference here

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