Quilters RotaKids 2019 Achievements

Each Year we host our two RotaKids Clubs at Quilters and Buttsbury Junior Schools so they can present their achievements. This was Quilters' presentation.

Maturity and Service Beyond Their Years

Each Year as a result of the wonderful relationship with the our two RotaKids Clubs at Quilters and Buttsbury Junior Schools, we celebrate by hosting them at our lunch meeting so they can present their achievements.  This year we started with Quilters on Monday July 8.

A very special lunch with the RotaKids at Quilters Junior School took place on Monday, July 8 when the four officers of the Quilters RotaKids Club, under the guidance of teacher-leader Helen Kilby, gave us an excellent presentation of their year’s work.

Backed by a slide show, each officer took it in turns to describe their year of action.  They were Year 6 pupils: Evie Deeks, Ella Osborn, Joey Lewis and Cody Roberts.

Saving Energy

They had decided their RotaKids Charity Day should be devoted to raising money for WWF (World Wildlife Fund), its theme being how vital it was to protect our planet and its creatures.

What did they do?  All children went to school in black and white, aka the panda logo on WWF for £1.00. They also asked:

  • Asked teachers to turn off their laptops, lights, interactive white boards and photocopier to save energy for the day
  • Encouraged pupils to sort their rubbish into appropriate recycling bins
  • Made and sold recycled goods at break time, like a plant pot made from a plastic bottle.

The pupils explained what they’d done to keep the Rotary Pledge.

  • “I kept the pledge by picking up litter”
  • “I raised some money for a local charity”
  • “I visited an elderly home and gave Harvest donations.”

The Future is Bright

But that wasn’t all, their main year themes:

  • Pupil Voice - Year 5 children visited Archer House with Miss Perry to discuss their work,  and listen to residents’ childhood stories and even have a Tea Party
  • Pupil Voice - Infant and Junior schools worked together in the Billericay Schools Art Project, -theme “The Future is Bright”. Each group worked on a different season to show viewers through exploration of the seasons at Quilters.  Their masterpiece was exhibited in St Mary Magdalen Church in the High Street. (see report in our April Edition)
  • Rotary Christmas Market- had fun selling raffle tickets for our Club to raise money for Charity
  • Soapbox Derby - RotaKid members and friends went in force to cheer on Wadeyman (head teacher, Mike Wade) as he tried to beat Mr Bulpett, head teacher of Brightside Primary school, and supported the CBBC presenter who joined the Quilters Team
  • Sold Healthy snacks to encourage pupils to a healthier lifestyle

Youth officer, Mike Sinclair introduced the RotaKids and gave a brief resume of what they had achieved.  Before they returned to school, Members showed their appreciation of the Quilters achievements, enthusiastically and unanimously.

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RotaKids, Lead teacher Helen Kilby and President Ben Clarke


back RotaKids - helping Primary School Children learn skills and citizenship - open to the 7 to 11 year olds.