Queen’s Park, Craig Y Don – Community in Action

At their meeting on 11th June members and friends of Llandudno Rotary were pleased to host Nicola Watkins (Chair) and Jeff Wright, (Playground Co-ordinator) of “Friends of Queen’s Park” (FQP) both of whom are volunteers in this community action group

Nicola Watkins (right) receives a cheque from Llandudno Rotary for “Friends of Queen’s Park”
Nicola Watkins (right) receives a cheque from Llandudno Rotary for “Friends of Queen’s Park”

24th June 2019

Queen’s Park, Craig Y Don  – Community in Action

At their meeting on 11th June members and friends of Llandudno Rotary was pleased to host Nicola Watkins (Chair) and Jeff Wright, (Playground Co-ordinator)  of “Friends of Queen’s Park  (FQP) both of whom are volunteers in this community action group

FQP was founded in 2007 to safeguard, defend and develop the 100+ year-old Queen's Park as a continuing community asset and the initial group included two Rotarians of the time, Brian Goldsmith and John Hughes, who initiated the original meeting with Conwy County Council.

Protracted negotiations and a new committee eventually yielded a grant of £50k for the Children’s area from WREN, an environmental fund. This funded 12 items in the Children’s area and an enclosure to keep dogs out. The Children’s area is well used – including Springfield Nursery who are regular visitors.

Last year saw the installation of a roundabout that can be used by children with a physical disability, and new gates were installed for wheelchair access, and there are plans for

-       Hedge repairs and protective fencing

-       New safety flooring for the playground area

The work of WREN transferred to Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA); a change of grant criteria means no more grants for the work of FQP. Current fundraising and social activities, all held in the park itself include:-

-       Christmas Carols

-       Nativity Service by St David’s

-       Easter egg hunt

-       Annual “Party in the Park”

President Rosalind Hopewell thanked the visitors for their talk and presented a cheque for £100 from the Club as a donation towards their work

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Nicola Watkins (right) receives a cheque from Llandudno Rotary for “Friends of Queen’s Park”

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