Ronnie (Veronica) Smith was inducted last night as our new President by our out-going President, Steve Sharkey.
Firstly we were wined and dined by the catering team of the Queens Stand. A great starter, a good main but a small and nearly meringue free Eton Mess!
Richard Deavin (our Hon Secretary) gave a speech documenting Steve's year. It's always amazing to be reminded of the things we've done together and this year was no exception. New to us were Paella Parties and Antiques Roadshow - both very successful. More familiar territory were the quiz nights and simply having fun!!
Ronnie was then inducted by Steve and she proceded to induct the senior members of her team - Richard Deavin as Hon Sec, Dave Ayres as Assistant secretary, Jim Munns as Hon Treasurer, Keith Mann as Foundation Chair and Clive Richardson as President Elect for 2020/21.
Finally Clive Richardson was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship, one of the highest honours in Rotary, for his support for Epsom Rotary in many spheres.
back Ronnie Smith inducted by Steve Sharkey . A list of activities