44th Charter Celebration Dinner & Handover

Held at Ivy Hill Hotel

Our 44th Charter Celebration was held in the Margaretting Suite, Ivy Hill Hotel on Thursday 20th June. 47 members and friends attended the dinner. Fittingly we were dressed in black tie, with our respective Rotarian Regalia and with our ladies in evening dresses. The room had been decorated with our Rotary paraphernalia and each table had a beautiful small vase of flowers.

Organised by Vice President Neil Macalister, we were welcomed with a Pimms and background music from Rita & Lee when we had a chance to mingle with everyone. 

The dinner started with Neil advising us the sad news that Rotarian Duncan Stewart had died the day before. He gave a short eulogy before everyone stood for a minute’s silence in respect.

We then enjoyed a 3 course dinner, having pre-selected our menu choices. This proved to be very palatable. With 47 attending, most club members were there plus the bulk of KH&V. Invitations had been extended to District Governor Lesley Sulley and AG Dave Eagle, but both had prior commitments. Amongst the guests we were pleased to have President Anne Moriaty [RC of Chelmsford - 2018/19 ] and her husband attend.

After the meal our Presidential Handover took place when outgoing President Ian said a few words and passed the reins and chain to incoming President Neil Macalister. He thanked Ian and outlined how he saw the next 12 months panning out. Senga presented Edna with a lovely bouquet of flowers.

Then another presentation  - a Paul Harris Fellowship was presented to Ian Churley by Neil on behalf of the members – well deserved!

Finally it was “Time for the music to begin”, provided for us by Rita B & Lee J

Judging by the numbers dancing, they played the type of music that we all enjoyed. 

With acknowledgement and thanks to John James for his wonderful photographs.

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