Rotary District School Quiz Final 2019
Congratulationsto Kingcase Primary P7s at the Rotary District School Quiz Final in Glasgow. For the second year running they represented the town having once again won the Prestwick heats. The Team consisted of Lucy Shanks, William Duncan, Ben Hainey, Fraser Ferguson and Reserves, Euan Graham and Sean McLellan. They performed really well with a score of 88 out of 120-a rate of 73% which is very good.
There were 6 Rounds of 10 Questions with sections including General Knowledge. Science, Sport, TV and Film, Geography, History.
The winning team was Glasgow Academy and Mearns Primary was in second place after a tie-break after the two teams took part in a tiebreak. It was very competitive all round amongst the 22 P7 teams from the West of Scotland (Campbeltown-Stranraer!). A special mention to the team from Campbeltown who left at 6am and were not expecting to be home until 10pm-a formidable effort!
Kingcase pupils were a great credit to the school and to Prestwick.
Prestwick Rotary President Edith Sterrick said: “ I was very proud to be associated with the team and hope they had a great experience. Well done to them”.
Attached is a photo of Prestwick Rotary President Edith Sterrick and the team including (in no particular order) Lucy Shanks, William Duncan, Ben Hainey, Fraser Ferguson and Reserves, Euan Graham and Sean McLellan
back Topics covered are Young Musician of the Year, Sport, Rotakid, Euroscola, Primary School Quiz, RYLA, Outside visits, Barbeque, Fund Raising