Watford Rotary Club are delighted to support...

the ultimate stair challenge!

On July 7th we have a fun and exciting challenge event coming up here at the stadium this summer for you and your families to take part in…

Step Up for Shape Up is a stair climb challenge event taking place at Vicarage Road Stadium in Watford, the home of Watford Football Club. Participants take up the challenge to climb up and down the stands within the stadium to raise money for the continuing charitable work of the shape up project.

The course will see participants climb the equivalent of the empire state building (1750 steps!) It’s a fantastic way to showcase how far you have come since taking part in the shape up programme, whilst fundraising for what we hope you believe is a good cause!

Walk, jog or run, we don’t mind! The event is open not only to you but your families too, we will be offering a kids version of the event on the same day! Also included on the day will be a bespoke shape up medal for every participant, chipped timing, free sports massage, fun inflatables, music and facilities to purchase food and drinks. For more information such as the course route and testimonials from last year’s event, please check out the event page: https://www.shapeupherts.com/step-up

Registration & Fundraising

Registration for former shape up participants such as yourselves is £12 (please raise a minimum sponsorship of £40)

  • General public can register for £15 (please raise a minimum sponsorship of £40)
  • Kids aged 6-17 can register for £5 and will take a shorter course (No sponsorship needed)
  • We ask participants to arrive at 8.15am and we will stop accepting participants at 8.45amNo registration on the day so please do so in advance.

In order to register for this fantastic event, please follow the instructions below carefully:

Follow this link to the event page and register for the race by clicking the big red bar: https://www.activetrainingworld.co.uk/events/2019/07/07/StepUp

  1. Once paid and registered, follow this link (or click the JustGiving logo on the website) to set up your fundraising page: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/StepUpforShapeUp2019
  2. You will need to create your own JustGiving login to start fundraising for the event which is fairly simple
  3. Ask friends, family and colleagues to support your challenge with donations or even take part themselves!
  4. Turn up for a great day of celebration and Step Up for Shape Up!”

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Fund Raising Events

back Watford Rotary holds several fund raising events during the year.