'What Scotland has given the world!'
Prestwick Rotary guest Jack Lawson gave a well-illustrated talk on 'What Scotland has given the world!'
Jack is a cattle specialist and talked about Scottish breeds, of which The Aberdeen Angus is the most famous export. The Ayrshire breed is also popular throughout the world with over 3 million Ayrshires for example in Kenya.
Brown cattle are preferred to whiter breeds because they have less risk of developing skin cancers. The belted Galloway and Highlander breeds also bring a distinct Scottish flavour to many parts of the world. Scotland is associated with great quality beef and dairy cattle, and Jack has judged cattle at shows in many countries.
Rotarian Andrew Matheson gave Jack Lawson a well-deserved vote of thanks for sharing his experiences with us. Shown are Rotary President Edith Sterrick, Jack Lawson and Andrew Matheson.
back This section details the weekly talks at the club and have ranged widely from mindfulness to charity work, health, model making, favourite objects, music and gardening.