BBC – local TV and Radio reporting

Chris addressed 13 members and an equal number of visitors at a Llandudno Rotary meeting held at the Cae Mor Hotel on Tuesday 2nd April

Chris Dearden – BBC Radio and TV reporter, addressing Llandudno Rotary
Chris Dearden – BBC Radio and TV reporter, addressing Llandudno Rotary

BBC – local TV and Radio reporting

Many will recognise the man in the photo as being Chris Dearden, the BBC Wales Reporter of many years standing

Chris addressed 13 members and an equal number of visitors at a  Llandudno Rotary meeting held at the Cae Mor Hotel on Tuesday 2nd April

Chris has worked for the BBC for 20 years and in North Wales since 2003. In that time, although there has been an explosion in social media and a revolution in the way TV itself is presented, Chris stressed that the one unchanging factor is  - quite simply – people.

Obvious perhaps, but what to most of Chris’s audience was much less obvious – until was pointed out - is the distinction between paper journalism and broadcast journalism. The sleuthing required to get the story is the same, and yet the broadcaster has to coax those in the news to tell the story themselves, whereas a paper journalist is tasked with writing up the story around the person, perhaps not even in their presence

It is a testament to Chris’s talk that many of our visitors had responded to an invitation in social media to visit Rotary. Why not check us out at and if there’s one of our meetings that interests you, be our welcome guest. Just let us know beforehand by e-mail at and a warm welcome awaits you

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Chris Dearden – BBC Radio and TV reporter, addressing Llandudno Rotary

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