Ingatestone Village Spring Clean - 23rd March 2019

The 3rd Village Litter Pick Day, organised by Ingatestone & Fryerning Parish Council, took place on Saturday 23rd March 2019 from 10:00 am till Noon


The Rotary Club of Ingatestone were out in force to help again – prominent in our yellow fluorescent tabards – even I&FPC councillors were using ours!

Equipped with a sprung-loaded litter picker and a black bag, we all set out to clean up the streets & verges of Ingatestone. In a short space of time, the group of 25 volunteers filled  their bags, leaving the area much tidier.
So thanks & well done to Stefan, Andrew, Richard, Roger, Noelle, Neil, John & Lindesay and prospective member, Geoff and his dog! Prize for the most unusual piece of ‘litter’ went to Roger for finding a “fire extinguisher”!

Unfortunately everyone dispersed before a group Rotary photo could be taken.
The photo is mainly of I&FPC councillors & VP Neil [ tabard too fluorescent to read RCOI]
A worthwhile community project – helping to publicise Rotary & what we do

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