Stepping into the Lions’ Den
Llandudno Rotary and Llandudno Lions each has a proud record of charitable and social work in the town and although each has its distinct character and traditions, each organisation has always been keen to relate to the other
In this spirit, Rotary President Rosalind Hopewell was delighted to accept an invitation to the Lions’ recent Charter Night, where 140 guests dined at St George’s Hotel, Llandudno to celebrate 42 years of achievements
President Rosalind’s take on the event was “The warm welcome accorded to me by President Graham Shimmin and the Lions of Llandudno generally was a wonderful example of fellowship and we look forward to reciprocating at our own Charter Night”
Rosalind, who had participated in the Lion’s famous Boxing Day Dip a couple of months ago, couldn’t resist contrasting the warmth of the welcome this evening with that of the freezing Irish Sea way back on Boxing Day - although each event was great fun in its own way!
“It’s clear that there are great opportunities for the two Clubs to work more closely together and this is the theme that we will pursue” added Rosalind
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