Burns Night

11 Rotakids from Symington Primary are coming to Prestwick Rotary on Thurs 31st January to entertain us with music and verse with a Rabbie Burns theme.

Burns night
Burns night

Burns Night at Prestwick Rotary

11 Rotakids from Symington Primary are coming to Prestwick Rotary on Thurs 31st January to entertain us with music and verse with a Rabbie Burns theme.
Haggis and neeps will be served and there will be a piper too. Hopefully it will be another excellent night of entertainment.

Prestwick Rotarians were treated to a wonderful Scottish evening of poetry, song and dance at The Parkstone Hotel from the pupils of Symington Primary School. Prestwick Rotary Club has a great relationship with the school through 'Rotakids' , which is basically a junior Rotary Club. The hard work put in by teachers and pupils brough fantastic rewards for performers, and the appreciative audience. Rotary President Edith Sterrick thanked the children for a great performance.

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Weekly Meetings

back This section details the weekly talks at the club and have ranged widely from mindfulness to charity work, health, model making, favourite objects, music and gardening.