Symington Rotakids in Philippines link

Prestwick Rotary President Edith Sterrick with 8 of the Symington Rotakids and Douglas and Stewart of the Links Project (Philippines)

Symington Rotakids in Philippines link

Symington Rotakids, involving pupils from P4-P7 of Symington Primary undertake an International Project each year.

For this year they are collecting children’s books, stationery. Materials for children in the Philippines.
It is carried out in conjunction with the Links Project which is operated by local Prestwick people, Jean and Douglas Innes.

The project will involve the whole school and will provide much needed resources for the children of the Philippines.

Prestwick Rotary President said: ‘This is a wonderfully beneficial project that the Symington Rotakids have chosen to support . Prestwick Rotary finds it inspiring to work with such fantastic children and staff. It is doubly satisfying in that the Links Project is run by our local Prestwick friends, Jean and Douglas’.

Prestwick Rotary President Edith Sterrick with 8 of the Symington Rotakids and Douglas and Stewart of the Links Project (Philippines)

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