Ian Thomson

Talks about his career as a Royal bodyguard

Speaker Ian Thomson is pictured centre between Prestwick Rotary Club President Edith Sterrick and Rotarian Stephen Cooper.
Speaker Ian Thomson is pictured centre between Prestwick Rotary Club President Edith Sterrick and Rotarian Stephen Cooper.

Prestwick Rotarians entertained by Royal Driver

Past President of The Rotary Club of Strathaven Ian Thomson gave Prestwick Rotarians an insight into what it is like to drive, and act as security for, the royal family.  Many set procedures have to be followed using a pilot car, principal car and back-up car. Routes need to be studied in immense detail, and every possible contingency planned for. Ian is now retired from the police, but has many interesting anecdotes based on his career as a top driver for the royals, politicians and heads of state.

He describes the royal family as 'ordinary people doing an extraordinary job'. Stephen Cooper gave a hearty vote of thanks for a very interesting talk.

Speaker Ian Thomson is pictured centre between Prestwick Rotary Club President Edith Sterrick and Rotarian Stephen Cooper.

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Weekly Meetings

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