The speaker at Seagate Rotary on Monday was Robert Sommerville, talking about the Falkland Islands. Robert gave a comprehensive history and geography lesson on the islands, explaining their locational importance sinc first colonisation in the 1760s and particularly in the mid 1800s during the California gold rush and the major age of whaling
Before the advent of powerful steamships, and latterly the Panama Canal, they were an essential shelter for ships in the south Atlantic and on the route round Cape Horn. Now the islands, with a population of about 2000, and a military garrison of 1000, and a million sheep, survive mainly on wool production, rich fishing grounds and increasing cruise ship tourism. The talk was illustrated, and Robert indicated the wide variety of unusual species, including whales and elephant seals, 5 types of penguin, albatross, skua and many smaller birds making the islands a fascinating destination for wildlife tourism.
Robert answered questions, and a Vote of Thanks was proposed by Raymond Jamieson.
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