“Our Girl in Malawi”

Our Maria from Malawi. Since 2015 the club has through WorldVision International sponsored Maria, a young child living in a village in Malawi. Child sponsorship is a unique relationship, that brings real hope and a life-affirming experience. Sponsorship gives children and their communities life-changing basics like nutritious food, clean water, healthcare and education.  Below an update on Maria, more to follow

Dear Friends,

I want to say a huge thank you for your continuing love and support. You're bringing hope and joy, not only to Maria, but to many other children whose lives you're changing through your sponsorship. 

To show you what an amazing difference you're making to children around the world, I'd love for you to watch the video
 that we've created, just for you. 

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Every penny you give has a direct impact on the lives of thousands of children – children just like the ones you'll see in the video. It's not always easy to find the right words to thank you for your incredible generosity – but I think the smiles on these children's faces say it all!

Thank you for everything you do.




Petrina Veitch


Petrina Veitch


Supporter Care Manager
01908 84 10 10




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