Who was Marie Curie ?

Marie Curie Community Ambassador Barbara Graham

Marie Curie Community Ambassador Barbara Graham
Marie Curie Community Ambassador Barbara Graham

Who was Marie Curie ?

 The charity Marie Curie is well known, but what about the woman herself? Marie Curie was born in Warsaw in 1867 and had a remarkable life. She discovered the radioactive material polonium and won the Nobel Peace Prize twice in 1903 and 1907. Her most famous legacy is the widespread use of xrays to identify cancers and other growths within the body. Ironically she died of anemia caused by radiation sickness in 1934. Her legacy lives on through Marie Curie nurses and hospices. 

 Prestwick Rotarians were treated to a great history talk delivered by Marie Curie Community Ambassador Barbara Graham, a retired university history lecturer living in Kilmarnock. The talk was wide-ranging and informative, with many questions and a hearty vote of thanks from Prestwick Rotarian Nigel Lawrie.

 Barbara Graham is pictured central with Rotarians Nigel Lawrie, President Edith Sterrick, Lindsay Smith and Andrew Mathieson.

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