Supporting Education in Harkersville South Africa - 2018

A Rotary plea from the heart of South Africa prompts the club to donate £300 to the Rotary Club of Plettenberg Bay's project for Harkersville School.

Still Not A Bay Of Plenty For The Children

A Rotary Plea for Help

While much has changed for the better, the plight of indigenous children in the townships has altered little, particullarly in the area of education.  Although Plettenberg Bay is a beautiful spot on the the famous Garden Route, one can find  riches and poverty side by side there.

Rotarian Peter Adams, visiting the UK from this Rotary Club, explained to us at lunch on August 12 that his club has worked with Born In Africa for 15 years to raise money to improve education of needy children in his area

We were so moved by his presentation that the club agreed to a donation of £300 to this excellent cause.

More “Godparents”

Peter had explained: “This partnership has proved most successful.  Over the years “Godparents” were recruited with each set of “Godparents” funding one child, but rising costs have necessitated more than one “Godparent” per child.  Although demand can outstrip supply, this Program now meets the ongoing development of some 400 children in different schools, colleges and university.”

Peter focussed on one school, Harkerville School just south of Plettenberg Bay.  He said: “The grounds are owned and overseen by the Anglican Church of South Africa. Two years ago it was in danger of closing, but support from Rotary, a new headmistress, additional teachers, and a remedial facility, has seen pupil numbers grow from 70 to 130 in 2017 and 244 this year.

Rotary, with other Plettenburg Bay donors, have repainted the school, waterproofed roofs, planted trees, started a vegetable garden and, with the help of a District Grant, installed permanent room dividers to replace the ineffective curtains used to separate different classes.”

Good Progress

There was much more but the keynote of Peter’s address was simply “Rotary is trying to raise the USD15,000 required to obtain a matching Global Grant. (see below).  Good progress has been made and we are past the halfway mark.”
His presentation ended with the screen Afrikaner thank you - “Baie Dankie” !
Peter’s talk invited many questions,, not least:
How many white children are involved with the project?  Answer from Peter:  “It is essentially the non-white children of Africa who need our help and education.”   So, little has changed in 2018.
Peter’s talk drew generous applause, a vote of thanks from president Les, and the above donation of £300. 

What a worthy cause.

What are the needs?

  • Educational equipment and computers
  • Furniture- class room and recreational
  • Security- perimeter fence and buildings
  • Painting of new buildings inside and out
  • Water storage, reticulation and solar heating
  • Kitchen facilities - crockery, cutlery, glassware, cupboards
  • Staff facilities- staff room, furniture etc.
  • Outdoor playground equipment- swings, jungle gym, etc
  • First aid training/ equipment
  • Firefighting training/equipment
  • Notice boards, signage and storage
  • Sports equipment & Playing field upgrade

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