World Quiz 2018

Winners Jim Nicoll and Edith Sterrick shown either side of quizmaster Ian McClarty.

World quiz winners 2018
World quiz winners 2018

District members please log in for more information.

Quiz takes Rotarians around the world

A fantastic round the world quiz presented by guest Ian McClarty caused great amusement at Prestwick Rotary Club. Pictures of buildings and landscapes ranged from Ayr to Australia, and the locations had to be specifically located to win points.

Winners were Jim Nicoll and Edith Sterrick shown either side of quizmaster Ian McClarty. The prize was a treasured travel moneybox for the lucky winners! Prestwick Rotary Club continues to seek new members so please find us on Facebook if you are interested in visiting the Club and joining in the fun.

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Weekly Meetings

back This section details the weekly talks at the club and have ranged widely from mindfulness to charity work, health, model making, favourite objects, music and gardening.