Every year the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann makes donations to several local good causes following fundraising activities that take place throughout the year involving club members.
This year one of the good causes chosen is the ‘Guide Dogs for the Blind isle of Man Branch’. The Rotary Club have donated £3,600 to fund a guide dog which will hopefully have a Manx themed name.
The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association is a charity that does so much work other than providing mobility and freedom to blind and partially sighted people. Their work also includes campaigning for the rights of people with visual impairment and funding eye disease research, which benefits everyone.
On presenting the cheque to Jane Shutt, Secretary of Guide Dogs for the Blind Isle of Man, Paul Winnell, President of the Rotary Club commented:
“This is a wonderful charity which proves the old adage that a dog is a man’s and woman’s best friend. I personally cannot think of many worse blights on a person’s health other than the loss of your sight. The guide dogs provide tremendous assistance to anyone unfortunate to be blind giving them a means to adapt their lives significantly for the better. There will always be a need for these wonderfully trained dogs and our Club is delighted to make this donation to cover the cost of a dog which will make such a positive difference to a person’s life”back Every year through the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann Charitable Trust, the Club makes donations to a number of international, UK and local good causes following fundraising activities which take place throughout the Year.