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Kingcase Primary School P7s Team did a superb job representing Prestwick at the Annual Rotary District Quiz Final.
22 School Teams from all over the West of Scotland took part in the Rotary District Primary School Quiz Final. Teams from as far apart as the Isle of Gigha (with just 9 pupils in the school!) to Stranraer participated in a keenly contested event in Glasgow. Some teams had a very early start then!
There was great fellowship amongst the pupils before and after the serious business of the quiz itself. Milngavie Primary were the eventual winners with only 10 points between the top 10 teams which included Kingcase Primary. Great result for Prestwick!
Thanks to the Kingcase Team of Lewis Duncan, Daniel Still, Ruth Duncan, Luke Jones plus reserve Jenna Keenan and the staff at the School for preparing the pupils so well.
Richie Cameron, President of the Rotary Club of Prestwick said, ‘the Quiz is an exciting and uplifting event. A hundred young people focussing with great concentration, wishing to do the best for the pride of their school. They do us all proud.’
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