Rotakids 2018

In Photo: Richie Cameron, President Prestwick Rotary Club; Edith Sterrick, Prestwick Rotary Vice President; Roseanne Smith, Depute Head Teacher; 10 of the 12 Rotakids (all names below)

Rotakids Year 2
Rotakids Year 2

Symington Rotakids is an exciting venture between Symington Primary School and the Rotary Club of Prestwick to enable the pupils develop their leadership, communication, team and project organisation skills within the format of a mini Rotary Club.


It is the only Rotakids in South Ayrshire. There are 12 children from P3-P7 which is brilliant (it is usually P6/P7 only). Such is the interest an amazing 65 pupils applied for the 12 places. The President is the P7 Rotakid, Phoebe Davies, which was the unanimous decision of the group. They also elected 2 Secretaries, a Treasurer, PR Officers and Project Officers so all have a great role within the Rotakids.


The full Rotakids team is Phoebe Davies, Grace Macpherson, David Inglis, Emma Brown, Ryan McKee, Callum Malcolmson, Evie Tougher, Brooke Edgar, Blake Reilly, Calum Kelly, Sophie Irvine, Cerys Bowie.


The Award-winning team worked so hard this year on an International Project, a School Project, and a Community Project and all projects are regularly reported back to the full school.


This year the  international charity project was Soles4Souls aimed at children and adults in Uganda who did not have shoes which then impacted on their day to day lives.  The whole school, the Early Years Centre and the community  took part in Soles4Souls and an amazing 511 pairs of shoes were collected.


The School Project was for Sport Relief where the Rotakids planned a Sports Week in school culminating in a Fitness Friday which the Rotakids led themselves.  There were lots of different healthy activities to take part in on the day.  The Rotakids were responsible for a class each and supervised the proceedings. Even Rotary members came along!  The Rotakids raised over £150 for Sport Relief.


The School/Community Project was a School 50th Anniversary News Flash Bulletin for the parents and the community. It was a souvenir newssheet highlighting all the celebrations of this year’s School 50th Anniversary.


There were many highlights in the year but the Rotakids and the Rotary Members shared the same ‘best moment’!


The Rotakids were invited for the first time ever, along to Prestwick Rotary Club as guests and speakers at one of the regular meetings. There was a great turnout of Rotakids, their parents and teaching staff. They were joined by the Rotary Member partners. Everyone had dinner together

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Rotakids Year 2

Vocational Activities

back Topics covered are Young Musician of the Year, Sport, Rotakid, Euroscola, Primary School Quiz, RYLA, Outside visits, Barbeque, Fund Raising