Charities supported during the 2017-18 Rotary year

We have supported over 30 charities, projects and good causes this year. A great job well done!

Members of the Knighton and District Rotary Club feel it is important to present cheques, where possible, directly to the charities supported. To this end we arranged for many of our supported charities, plus local dignitaries, to meet us at the Reynolds Room, Knighton Community Centre for a formal cheque presentation. More details to follow shortly. 

These are the various charities and good causes we have supported this year. 

Follow the links to their websites for more details about each charity.....


Knighton Mens Shed

Knighton Food Bank

Pensioners Christmas Lunch ( Knighton Churches Together)

KINDA ( dementia support )

SARDA Wales ( Search and rescue dogs )

Knighton Museum

Evergreens Lunch Club for the elderly Leintwardine

Presteigne Job Club

Bucknell War Memorial project


Midlands Air Ambulance

Wales Air Ambulance

DebRA Butterfly children

St Michaels Hospice

REPOD - Rotarians easing the problems of dementia

Tenovus Cancer Care in Wales

Marie Curie nurses

Rotary Tree planting challenge - 30 trees planted locally


Classrooms in the Clouds Nepal

Rotary Shelterbox

Rotary Foundation

Rotary for Polio eradication

Red Earth education in Uganda

Mary's Meals

Smalls for All

ROTB trust - water barrels and filters

Ugandan Midwives support


Knighton Junior Footballers

Rotary Youth Leadership Award

Knighton Junior Rugby Club

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back We support a wide range of charities and good causes every year. Find out more about them here....LATEST PRESENTATION JUNE 28TH 2024.