Interact Update Feb 2009

President Isabelle Scott is taking the St Richards Interact club from strength to strength. With the support of school contact Angela Brennan and Rotary contact Ray Dixon the growing club continues to be very active. Isabelle took office last summer following a hotly contested campaign and her success in becoming this year's president had nothing to do with the cakes that she provided whilst delivering her address to the membership when she explained why she would make such an excellent president. This has proved to be the case the Club was again very supportive of the Old Folks party providing assistance and entertainment and got a good result in the recent Love in a Box collections for Mustard Seed. They again plan to assist with the Rotary Club's Charity Walk both with the marshalling and by walking to support their own charities. They are also planning another visit to the Rotary Club to update the members on their activities. Isabelle leaves St Richard's this summer and plans are in hand for this years elections and there is a good chance that cakes might feature

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