Good Citizens Award for Scholars 2017/18
Nearly thirty years ago the Club decided to encourage and recognise young people who contributed something to the community within their school, local community or wider.
Over time circumstances have changed, the main one being that in some instances more than one pupil is deemed worthy of the prize and in other cases it could be a whole team of pupils. As a result a single book token was considered to be inappropriate so a cash award was given to each school for the money to be used as considered most suitable.
As a further innovation, this year we have introduced the availability of a Certificate to be presented to each pupil involved, including a citation confirming the reason for the award.
There are sixteen Primary Schools and two Secondary Schools in our catchment area and we are delighted that every one of them took part this year. What is most surprising is the number of reasons for making the awards, illustrating originality, and some showing compassion. It is obvious that we have many parents and schools who are bringing up and educating young people who are an asset to the community and those involved should be proud of their achievements.
Nick Reid-Craft
Good Citizens Award Coordinator
Schools taking part, recipients of the award and the reasons:
Carr Hill High School and Sixth Form Centre
Rosie Still For her Involvement with the Cadets, Work in a Charity Shop and Help with Kirkham Food Bank.
Kirkham Grammar School
Lydia V Sanderson For organising fund raising for the benefit of the hospital which treated her brother following a serious motor accident.
Bryning with Warton St Paul’s Church of England Primary School
Mason Carter For his contribution towards the smooth running of the school.
Emily Eccleston For her helpfulness when showing German visitors around the school.
Jessica Oates For her kindness towards the younger children in school.
Oliver Sanders For his willingness to take on any role given to him.
Freckleton Church of England Primary School
Cordelia Bell ) For keeping the school grounds looking tidy and attractive and preparing the
Shyla Butcher ) school for community events.
Olivia Butterworth )
Izzi Contreras-McDonald )
Katie Glover )
Dylan Goodman )
Sophie Hindle )
Harry Jackson )
Gracie Palmer )
Annabelle Robson )
Holy Family Roman Catholic Primary School, Warton
Lucy Bruce For her kindness, care and consideration for others particularly in connection
with acting as Early Years' Assistant.
Niamh Holliday For visiting an Asylum Seeker and presenting a report to School Assembly and
organising a Christmas Jumper Day for “Save the Children”.
Estee Parkinson For organising a competition to raise money for Diabetes UK.
Isabella Payne For visiting an Asylum Seeker and presenting a report to School Assembly.
Kirkham and Wesham Primary School
Phoebe Winder For her caring personality and putting others before herself.
Kirkham Grammar Junior,
Infant and Pre-School
Gabrielle Holland For being an outstanding member of the
school and a good friend to all.
Kirkham St Michael’s Church of England Primary School
Rebecca Bruce For organising a competition to raise money for Diabetes UK.
Makenna Westby For her kindness, care and consideration for others particularly in connection
with acting as librarian and hall monitor.
Medlar-with-Wesham Church of England Primary School
Archie Bellfield For being members
Mike Bennett of the School Council Alfie Bibby-Barnes which, in their own
Daniela Bukovska time, they worked to
Anastasia Federenkova improve
Michael Gardner the school and
Ellie Gee raised funds for
Evie Thelwell Gillett various charities .
Jenson Greenham
Summer Harrison
Grace Kline
Anya Lamb
Ali Monet
Jamie Pixton
Eric Wrigley
Newton Bluecoat Church of England Primary School
Harry Hayes For helping at all “Friends” activities and school events.
Ribby with Wrea Endowed
Church of England Primary School
Isobel Parris Challiner, Sarah Cooper & Danny Forshaw
For their contributions to the school ethos and for being a super role models.
St. Joseph’s Wesham Catholic Primary School
Clare Flood For raising money for refugees who visited the school
Sophie Morris For her fund raising efforts in support of a relative with white cell blood
Joseph Veevers For his outstanding work for the Alzheimer’s Society.
Singleton Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School
Kiera Creely For her enthusiastic involvement in the
wider community by attending every
event at school, in church and the local community.
Elizabeth Davis For her kindness, care and help shown to
fellow pupils, particularly younger pupils. In
addition Elizabeth played a leading role in helping to organise participants in the school talent show.
Strike Lane Primary School, Freckleton
Amber Hardman For raising more than £1,000 selling cakes for the North West Air Ambulance.
James Penman For being a willing, reliable helper at all times, maintaining a high standard of
work, producing his homework on time and being an all round SUPERSTAR.
Treales Church of England Primary School
Kitty Parkinson For undertaking a sponsored run to raise funds for the victims of the Grenfell
Tower fire.
Weeton Primary School
Kyle Geraghty For being a model pupil with impeccable manners, a caring nature and always
willing to help fellow pupils in the classroom and on the playground.
Faye Gregory For being a model pupil with impeccable manners, a caring nature and always
willing to help fellow pupils in the classroom and on the playground.
Weeton Saint Michael’s Church of England Primary School
Zachary Rudd For being a reliable and enthusiastic member of our school community.
The Willows Catholic Primary School, Kirkham
Joseph Boylan For his commitment to the Parish and School Community through Altar
Nick Reid-Craft
Good Citizen’s Award Coordinator
28th March 2018