4. Fundraising

Stainborough raises funds for charities through organising events, Sponsorship, car boot & table top sales, competitions and selling merchandise.

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4. Fundraising pages:

Worsbrough Beer Festival 2023

more What a fantastic event it has been. This year raising £3400.00. The sun was shining, they were playing cricket, there were fabulous singers/musicians, award winning pies and of course we had great real Ale. What couldn't we have enjoyed about it!

Coffee morning

more Raising money for Rotary Charities

Race Night

more What a great night, over a £1000 was raised for the Ukraine

Over £700 raised for Morocco

more Once again Barnsley people have been incredibly generous. Stainborough Rotary were collecting in the town centre on Saturday 16th September and raised over £700.

Annual Ladies Lunch 2023

more A fabulous lunch attended by 175 Ladies, which raised £3250 for The Barnsley Youth Choir and the LimbBo Foundation

Coffee morning raising funds for Brain Tumour research

more Thank you to everyone who supported our fund raiser for the brain tumour research charity.

Ladies Lunch 2022

more Stainborough Rotary raises £2450 for Barnsley Youth Choir and LimBo

Soul Jam

more Fabulous night of entertainment and dancing.

Stainborough Rotary Raises £2750.00 for Barnsley Hospice

more The Money was raised partly from Worsborough beer festival and also from Santa collection at Penstone Tesco.

A very successful Beer festival

more What a fabulous time we all had. November 17th & 18th Worsbrough beer festival.

Table Top

more Rotarians David and Joyce have been out again raising funds for Rotary charities- thank you, you two.

Table Top Sales

more Rotarians David & Joyce were out again on Saturday 9th October 2021, raising much needed funds for Rotary charities. Starting at Darfield then driving to Great Houghton. These two Rotarians are just amazing!!

6 Luxury Charity Cards for Sale for the cool price of £5.00

more The notelets have 3 different designs of the Purple Crocus. They are blank on the inside and they can be sold all year round for ‘Thank you’ ‘Get well’ ‘Easter’ ‘Birthday’ ‘Mothers day’ or just 'thinking of you' - Funds raised go to 'End Polio Now'

David & Joyce's car boot sales

more Regularly, Joyce & David get up at 4am on Sunday mornings to attend a car boot sale to raise funds for charity.

Life in Lockdown - Photo Competition

more The Club ran a lockdown competition during the month of May 2020. We raised a magnificent £622.00 which we split equally across Age UK Barnsley, Samaritans, Foodbanks and IDAS (Domestic violence)

Stainborough Rotary raised £1000 via table top/online sales

more Rtns Joyce & David Pickett haven't been put off this year. Despite the virus, they have been able to still raise funds for good causes.

Car boot Sale

more Rtns David and Joyce Pickett can’t resist a car boot sale, even on their jollies!!!

September 2019 Fashion Show

more Another very successful evening. The club managed to raise £420 for local charities.

Table Top Sales & Gazebo Grand Opening

more Stainborough Rotary Club unveiled their new Gazebo in Darfield on Wednesday 31st July 2019

Double page spread

more An excellent article about President Richard raising funds for a water borehole

and we're off!

Race Night

more Fabulous night at the races!

Fashion Show November 2018

more Another great night of fundraising. We made £492 on the night. Well done to everyone involved.

...and I will walk 500 miles.....

more Our President Richard Galliford is walking 500 miles to raise funds for a water borehole in Ghana. Stainborough RC has pledged £250 to support him on his way.

Rtn Norma - Race For Life

more Well done to Rtn Norma who has managed to raise £912 (including gift aid). For ‘Race for life’. Stainborough Rotary Club sponsored Norma £250.00

Fashion Show

more Thanks to Barbara and team, for another triumph of a charity fashion show. A fantastic £550 was raised which will be shared between Barnsley Hospice and Barnsley Youth Choir.

Hats & Horses

more Hosted by John & Ann Love. This years Hats & Horses raised £1200 for Leukemia & Lymphoma Research

Car boot sale

more Rotarians David and Joyce do a number of carboot sales to raise funds for Rotary charities. So far this year £1150 has been raised.

District Governor Robert Morpeth visited Stainborough

more President Derek handing over a cheque to District Governor Robert for £500

Talent Auction

more Thank you everybody for the generous donations for the clubs "auction of promises" . Amazing what the donation of cake, metal duck, meals, gardening etc can add up to. A fantastic £3500+ was raised, which is a brilliant amount towards our charities.

Table Top Sales

more Rotarian David & Joyce Pickett do a number of 'table top' sales and all money raised is donated to Rotary