
Tue, Aug 21st 2018 at 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Bill Lane - "I did it before Joanna."
Two years ago Joanna Lumley made a television documentary of a trip she did by train through China and across Siberia. This talk is of the same trip done in 1965.
Grace & Bottle - Ken Biggs
Steward - Richard Curtis

Visiting Rotarian John Palmer from the Rotary Club of East Nassau in the Bahamas presented his clubs Pennant to Douglas Nash, who gladly accepts the pennant on behalf of the members of Chelwood Bridge Rotary Club. John who has resonantly moved to Dundry was attending a club meeting in which Bill Lane gave a fascinating talk about his train journey through China and across Siberia in 1965, in which he experience the consequences of China’s Great Leap Forward and the early days of the Cultural revolution.  

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