There are 60 Houses. Population 330. This is located approximately 15 minutes walk east of Pokharichap
Previously we have installed a small tank adjacent to a local spring, but this is not enough for the whole village during the dry season between December and February
There is a water source is from near a village called Jadpani where they have access to the spring. This source is over a hill to the north and down the other side. This is a good source. It will give a plentiful, sustainable supply.
A small collection tank 10.000 litre will be built adjacent to the spring (elevation 1125m) and a 20,000 Litre tank at the village (elevation 1185m) with a 4bhp pump to get the water over the col, (elevation 1222m).
320 metres of 32mm pipe is required from spring to the col. Then 1100 metres down to the village. In the village 450metres of 25mm pipe and 650 metres of electric cable
Arrival at Payaswora and site of new tank
Spring to north and over the col |
Villagers gathering round the spring |
Col elevation 1222m |
Estimated cost £5,500 is still on target. Work has been authorised to be carried out between January and May 2018.