An Interview With Father Christmas


Father Christmas is always made welcome when he appears collecting funds for Watford Rotary Club, in an interview the Observer had with him recently, he reminisced about his experiences whilst riding his sleigh through the streets of Watford and collecting outside Tesco’s, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and Asda.

“It never ceases to amaze me how generous the Watford Community are, take this year for example, we lost a couple of days street collecting due to the snow, but despite that, people dug even deeper into their pockets and we came up on par with the previous year, an amazing achievement and one the Watford Community can take pride in. The children (and mums and dads) really look forward to seeing Santa and his sleigh driving down their street and the look of enjoyment on the childrens faces make it all worthwhile. I have great fun looking at the windows of the houses and flats and seeing the children waving. My sleigh driver Allan Packham has been amazing over the last few years, negotiating the narrow streets to ensure everyone sees me, but all good things must come to an end, and at 81, and 27 years driving my sleigh, he has decided to retire and we are looking for someone to take his place.

When collecting outside the supermarkets or in the High street, it’s a real buzz to see how people react to me, I have had Sikh’s, Muslims and Orthodox Jews making a point of coming over and generously donating, many wanting selfies with me, I’m also taken aback by the various nationalities in Watford, I have had Japanese, Chinese, Americans, Canadians, Africans etc alll coming over for a chat and yes, Watford’s Father Xmas has his picture doing the rounds in all those countries.

I have lots of fond memories whilst collecting, I remember this year, I was collecting outside a supermarket and had 2 sets of twins come over to donate, as is my norm, I gave them a lollipop each. A few days later, I was riding my sleigh around the streets of Watford and believe it or not, I saw the same twins eagerly awaiting my arrival, imagine their surprise when I said to them “I remember you, I gave you a lollipop a couple of days ago”, they were overjoyed that I remembered them. I love it when children come running over and want to give Santa a hug, the excitement in their eyes, the smiles on their faces, being Santa is the best job in the world.


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Fund Raising Events

back Watford Rotary holds several fund raising events during the year.