Sea Cadets - Wolverhampton

We were delighted to welcome the members of Wolverhampton Sea Cadets recently to one of our meetings

Message from APO (SCC) M White ..........

As some of you are aware last week myself and other members of Team Wolverhampton (and guests) were invited to dine with the Wednesfield branch of the The Rotary Club. I know I speak for everyone when I say it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening and I am glad you enjoyed the presentation given by myself and PO (SCC) L Cooper.

I would like to extent our gratitude to Simon for the Invitation but also the Club President Mr. Clive Childs and the other Rotarians for being incredible warm and recieving.

We look forward to working with you more frequently in the future!

Yours Aye,
APO (SCC) M White
1st Lieutenant

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