Quilters - What a year 2017

A full year of activities and fund-raising come to a very successful end

What a Year!

As the RotaKids Club of Quilters Junior School came to the end of its current year, we were invited by the RotaKids and teacher in charge Helen Kilby, to a video presentation of their achievements, support for Rotary and the good causes they have supported.

President Peter, secretary Ed, Malcolm Acors and Trevor Bond attended.

Led by their president Eve St Pierre and her outgoing officers, they each in turn commentated on the video, which included:

  • Intro into their RotaKids Year
  • First meeting: Renewing The pledge. This included in the year: Helping an elderly lady across the street; homeless man given help; packing shop shelves.
  • Club achievements:  Supporting the Christmas Market, the Summerfest and our own Soapbox Derby
  • Safety Squad: Identifying Health and Safety concerns of the Quilter’s pupils and adopting Rules to address them.
  • Eating habits: Encouraging the adoption of healthy meals - "Put together your favourite salads"
  • Pupil Voice: Going into Sunnymede school to alert them to Quilters’ Quest, a 100 things to consider when leaving school
  • Charity Donations - A career day for Great Ormond Street Hospital
  • Working on the proposed Outdoor Art Gallery

Summary: Quilters RotaKids raised in total £422.37 – a gallant effort and we praise them for their brilliant year and an excellent video presentation.

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