An informal garden party kindly hosted by Vivienne and Alan at the Hall, gave members and guests the opportunity to enjoy a relaxing evening and to share in the exchange of roles for the Rotary Year ahead.
President Stuart, handed over the Presidential chain of office to Bill. This will be Bill's second time as President. His first time being 2008 - 9.
In the following cascade of office roles
Barry Lonsdale recieve the Senior Vice President gong from Bill.
Barry, in turn, handed the Junior Vice President's gong to Alan.
Alan who has served a second term as Sergeant-at-arms - passed on this sash to Immediate Past President Stuart.
To round off the formalities, IPP Stuart wished Bill every success in his new role and President Bill thanked Club members for their support and was looking forward to his year ahead.
Bill's investiture was shared by his daughter Charlotte and her husband Mike. It was also great to have Sheila Heavens join the party and also our own Ken made it along having just turned 94.
More informal pictures of the evening will be posted on a members only page