Planning Ahead...

Incoming President John New outlines the Club's plans for the coming year

Incoming President John New outlines plans for a hectic new Rotary year
Incoming President John New outlines plans for a hectic new Rotary year

Planning for a hectic year...

At a recent Club meeting, incoming President John New introduced the team who are to shape the Llandudno Rotary year to .30 June 2018. For a small Club of some 19 members, there’s an impressive mix of social, charitable and fundraising ventures as varied as a Soap Project, working towards being a Dementia Friendly Town, a Polio Awareness campaign, further support for the Ilitha School Project in South Africa and the Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline, sending shelter-boxes and aqua-boxes to disaster-stricken parts of the world, continuing support for two development schemes for young persons, (“Youth Speaks” and a Leadership Award), distributing hyacinths to the elderly, and the presentation of a Community Service Award to someone local whose work for the community deserves recognition.

All this is to be underpinned by increasing membership and by raising funds to make our work possible, through a mix of the £100 annual membership, occasional sponsorship of members’ endeavours and by three street collections.

Time also for some fellowship, in the form of a little light relief from such events as a Treasure Hunt, a couple of quizzes, summer visits to local attractions, and maybe some local hospitality.

If putting something back into your community sounds like something you’d like to be involved in, get in touch...just click on the email link.

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Incoming President John New outlines plans for a hectic new Rotary year

Blood Bikes - Wales

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