The Rotary Club of Llandudno celebrated its 90th birthday on Friday 31 March 2017 with a traditional Charter Night at Conwy Golf Club.
Rotarian Philip Jones led with a bilingual prayer of Grace. After the excellent meal 63 diners, including guests from 10 other Rotary Clubs plus two descendants of one of the original Founder Members, then heard a roll call of Clubs attending. This was followed by the presentation of our Community Service Award, made this year to Gerrie and Chris Bailey to recognise the wonderful work they do in organising holidays for children from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster zone. The Reverend Marcus Robinson ("Taff the Laff") then boomed out an Address that demonstrated that the old fashioned concept of "it is better to give than to receive" is not only alive and well, but can be great fun...especially when he is around!
Rotarian Molly Youd, North Wales and Merseyside Rotary's first female District Governor, brought birthday greetings from the very top - a congratulatory letter from John Germ, President of Rotary International. President Mike Clutton then closed the proceedings with the traditional toast to "Rotary and peace the world over".
The thanks of the Club go to Rotarian Alan Guinn, who was not only Master of Ceremonies but who had organised the whole event. Special thanks also go to Brenda Guinn for taking a super selection of pictures during the evening...more to come!
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