Buttsbury RotaKids is approved

Buttsbury Junior School will have a new RotaKIds club - our second in the town.

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Yes - its happened. We’ve added another one!

Thanks to the efforts of Margaret Fowler and her close contacts with Buttsbury Junior School, the school has decided to set up a RotaKids club, based around its pupil school council.

Margaret kicked off the project last year, and following early discussions with Head Teacher Ann Robinson, she and Peter Greene met with Ann at the end of the year to explain what a RotaKids club was, why it was beneficial to the children and how it supplemented the work of the school.

They had a positive response and in early January this year a follow-up meeting with Deputy Headteacher Sally Lavelle yielded confirmation that the school will go ahead with the project.

The Induction meeting takes place on February 28, after the children return from Half term break.

More information and pictures after the launch.

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back RotaKids - helping Primary School Children learn skills and citizenship - open to the 7 to 11 year olds.