Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann support Haiti Hurricane Appeal - October 2016

In response to the urgent appeal for help to reach the people in Haiti who are worst affected by Hurricane Matthew, one of the most powerful Atlantic hurricanes in recent years, the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann have funded a Shelterbox to be sent

The Shelterbox is being sent to support those who have lost their homes in Haiti in the wake of Hurricane Matthew which hit the Carribean in October 2016.

The Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann has been an active supporter of the ShelterBox Charity for many years. ShelterBoxes provide emergency shelter and lifesaving supplies for families around the world who are affected by disasters at the time when they need it most.

Each large, green ShelterBox typically contains a disaster relief tent for an extended family, blankets, groundsheets, water storage and purification equipment, cooking utensils, mosquito nets, solar lamps, a basic tool kit and other vital items.

Geoff McCann, President of the Rotary Club of Rushen & Western Mann commented ‘we pride ourselves in our support aid when such major world disasters strike and have the ability to respond instantly assisted by a global network of ShelterBox volunteers’.

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Rotary ShelterBox Appeal

back Rushen & Western Mann Rotary Club is an active supporter of the ShelterBox Charity. Every year hundreds & thousands of families across the world lose everything when disasters strike - through no fault of their own & often with no warning.